I reached out to an Ivy League because

It's no secret, I'm an open book.
'An often offensive, fast thinking- speaking, falable, committed, controlling freak of genius'.

By self description would I admittedly claim the above? Yes. I have no shame in making peace with pieces and in taking business challenges, often presented as rough messes, by the horns till we get them flying. There's a profoundness in taking control, in making decisions fast then implementing greatly. Personally I call it real time growth strategy. All you got to see and from the outset is great outcomes without throwing good money after too many bad decisions.  Or how better to go about it?


 From a regarded leader, an industrious genius himself having built many, too many, successful companies, I'm wearing all the descriptions and labels. Pun unintended and I won't be limited to any character fitting words however kind. Indulgence can be wastefully consuming.

Most of you know how beautifully challenging it's been for me in business and in these economic times. I carry it well yes but, I've also been incredibly prepared for opportunities which we're creating for. 

Honestly, I don't believe I could understand much of much if it weren't with the business direction of leaders who I respect and who appreciate my business stubborness, often offensive, goal upfront and deeply committed self.  My vision is for what will be a future we find ourselves creating for currently.

I close with a thought of Elon apparently mailing staff recently directing their focus to specific goals aligned to SpaceX's vision.

That's what visionary leaders do. They never think alone BUT they always guide the process.



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