Multi-Dimensional Monetisation



We find ourselves in a time that many of us never lived to know before. An experience which has many of us asking some tough questions in business choices, lifestyle preferences and just on the way forward with basics.


Personally, I have had a great time (I did not say easy) through much of this COVID19 country lockdown process. I know you probably asking how this could be the case as a strained entrepreneur, in a tough economy and with a pandemic which came to prove a few harder points. 


I say it has been great because I am forced to rethink my position in my business, with my life and the choices I have made and am yet to. Some choices I probably could have skipped and some I would change not a thing about. Hindsight always has a way of creeping up on me with a great reality check. But -


As you all know, being connected to my intellect, my love languages, my purpose and to my spirituality are non-negotiables for me. So I try to give each one of my interests the respect and attention deserved. Guess you could label me a polygamous between my projects and business wants!  


"But what about focus?" - someone recently asked me. 

"What about it!" - I replied.


Focus has been a learning for me and more so since there's so much I enjoy, and which comes to me fairly naturally. So, I don't limit what I do or what I take on and especially if I can deeply connect with an area of interest. I simply focus on what I am doing intently, for a period and move to my next area of energy placed. I then revert to what's needed for each / all and with timelines attached to each item. It's not always on track because of matters outside of immediate control, but there's a pipeline of purpose-filled interests.


A great learning from this time is looking to monetise what comes to me naturally and in a way which does not dilute what requires most of my time. This does not mean I have shifted from projects or sectors. Not at all. My interest simply expanded in the expressions I generally am committed to anyway.


I see how businesses and the overall business climate has changed in this time and being isolated for a few months already, I have also had time to review a few lifestyle and consumer-centric sectors which ranks a bit higher with  COVID19 limitations and restrictions. The nature of the Impact Projects  I am aligned with which evolve at minimum in 3 years or a Fund I'm an advisor to and which was recently backed by Silicon Valley's top emerging market's Fund of Funds whose backers themselves are senior execs of Facebook, Google, Stripe, Plaid etc. does not exclude my interest with very fast selling, needs based consumer-centric products and lifestyle items.


My parting advice -


Don’t be limited to what you most identify with. And once you enjoy a bit more, look to monetize it. Secure multiple incomes in these times we are in, enjoy the entire process and aim to live completely.




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