HOME gourmet - A Personalised and Conscious Food Company with a 90% Plant Based ethos intended for global wellbeing


I am Marica. The owner of a forward-facing firm called Marica & Co Pty. My latest business venture, a Personalised and Conscious Food company, has been a work in progress for the last 10 years of my life. 

It's ready and designed to bring quality living through food choices we make with you, to every person and home. It’s for this reason we chose the brand name and pay offline as HOME gourmet – eat more plants!

Our ethos is based on our 90% plant-based diets and we offer you highly customised meals.

While originating in my country, this service has no intention of staying only here because health and good food choices is a global need and one we believe we have a solution for.

We are doing this for you, for earth and as a community.

Yours in Eat (ing) more plants,




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