Marica is inebriated!!
I am outlandish. I have asked you to get me Jack Ma on the line to pay
his salary. I asked to be called Ruth Bader Ginsberg for a bit. Loving music
and for Mother’s Day I believe I may have played all you loved mothers a Miley
Cyrus track which at some point of the video had her clawed "down
there". I speak in pretty pictures but have undertones of the beauty to be found in
diversity, of health for every human being void of social class and which
allude to my business interests.
Mostly, I just attention seek! But in hope that you will get what I am
actually trying to say. I know I was born to be a social entrepreneur or with
some level of commitment to societies and humanity at large. This particular
virus I have just won't bloody leave me...even if a partner did for me showing up
I also let you know my troubles. And there's a few. And I am unashamedly
vocal about business mistakes etc. I speak with you like we're
seated (socially distanced) across from each other sipping a
coffee, looking profoundly into one another’s eyes as we discuss all matters
summarised as "life". But there you are and here I am. Not only
seats, living spaces and cities apart - sometimes we are Continents and Worlds
apart! And some worlds really make me wonder even more...
Yet still I feel we can relate. We can engage. We can speak about
things in a way which feels real. I mean, real is what we are. We
peel away like layers of onions the various titles, the public roles, the suits
and responsibilities, the various demands - and there we are. We are bare and
just very, very ordinary people even if your bank account makes you feel better
while mines makes me feel the best ..about things I am yet to achieve. I am
just not wired or consumed about the state of your status because I know that
we are all human beings. And in knowing this, makes it easier for me to
connect with anyone. If they allow it ofcourse.
See. It may be your troublesome, recreational drugging school kid
that you leave your social persona to head home to see to, it may be your
failing marriage you have to face up to when you open the front door of your home,
it may be your destructive binge eating you find yourself having to dine with
when the laptop's close. I do not care what it may be, we all have something
which makes us human and keeps us real regardless of how much we are in denial
of things.
And it's in this humanness we can truly connect. We can choose to
envelope ourselves in respect and what we wish to be working towards. It
is a starting point not necessarily an endpoint or destination and it's at your
So, I do feel that I can speak with you on various levels and in a
way that's everyday'ísh. I may use a picture, I may shout a phrase, I may have
a high ask of you but underneath it all, maybe allow yourself to find the
messaging on often sobering topics. When I think about a few things it could
force one (me!) to seek comfort from the bottom of a beautifully crafted and
ofcourse a locally produced wine bottle. In fact, I would go as far as saying I
wish I were drunk when I write about some of the things. It would make me feel better
about my "density" and the way I feel moved on social constructs
especially the ones not working and which ails humanity. But again, being a
healthy vegetarian who loves looking after myself inside out, I would not
choose damaging behaviours. Another point while I am at this thought.
You don't need to be messed up to be socially accepted. Not to say you haven’t
messed up or wont. Who is judging because I’m not. But, you don’t need the
various dependencies we currently see outcries on due to country bans on items.
I am not saying I do not understand the detriment to those industries. I am
concerned. But even when bans are lifted, will you be? How will you
Anyway, and to close…Thank you all. Also thanks to a person from Paris
who commended me on my optimism and personal take ( my style! ) on things. It
is valued and you all are too. I speak in everyday language because we are
regular people with everyday issues to be found in one way or another.
The world got real in 2019. Isn't it time us humanbeings do too?
With love
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