Our Country in these times – a poem by marica

In times of where people feel alone and yet united, we are reminded that the heavens are in charge.

When work seems harder than it needs to be, surely the God which unites all faiths universally, must be in charge.

When a leader is made to feel so challenged, God raises the hearts of many to support even if for reasons unknown to them but clearly known to God.

When the road feels bare and the load so very heavy, you are reminded you are not walking alone. Did you know God is in fact carrying you?

And when we still have to see the clear, unseen hate which is there to hurt and limit a Nation, a Light which makes us all equal will continue showing us who is in charge even when we have to sit among anyone ill intending.

We break bread in hope that hearts and then minds will be changed.

God almighty will guide the leaders which He chose.

For you may call God by one name and yet He calls us all by His only known name, Faith.

For these times may seem rarely hard, but this is where real hope is born.

The Hope and Vision for South Africa is for custodianship to be found in the hearts and minds of all who understand Divine wisdom and to envelope love for our country and her people.

For now, is when the seat of the chosen leaders are blessed with divine aid, wisdom and clarity as the Divine intended.

For no weapon to prosper against the Nation and its Leaders who walk in Light.

May those whose claims be untrue never make its way close to God's well intending people or be so well disguised that it is realised only later.

May God bless His leaders and our Nation.

May the light and love of God guard our Leaders and us.

May we be ever true and shine golden as rays from the heavens, however imperfect we may be as one united Nation.


God Bless South Africa.



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