This is what I learnt today

 A few of you know how terrible and still somewhat surprising it was for me on learning of two Covid19 related deaths today of people I knew. There is always this element of surprise, even in the face of realities, when things find its way close to home. We somehow never think things can happen to us, yet we also accept that it can. A very strange place to find oneself between because shock still lingers when such news arrives.

 What helps is talking to good company and being in safe community with others.

How hope can keep you healthier and happier

I was invited and joined (a bit later than I could have at the time of its inception) an amazing group of people from business and everyday life who share whatever is on their hearts and minds. It's great and I am so grateful to be part of the Thrival Alliance platform. It's really a case of come as you are, share what you need to and it’s in a safe, respect filled and virtual environment. Feeling safe all round is very important as well.

Tonight's fortnight session had a few of us sharing tips on what this lockdown process has left us with in terms of habits formed. It was really great listening to the group on what's been their survival guide in these very changing times. People are bonding more with their kids, partners are playing "pretend to be in our favourite restaurant" while at home, I've chosen a home exercise routine and more work time routine, others are watching great content to make them laugh as soon as they wake up .. the list is just simple and easy for anyone to try.

So. Today I am left with lessons and reminders like the below and which you can try too.


- I take nothing and no one for granted. So practice all the suggested Covid19 protocols.

- Find ways to support small businesses while not being overly socially engaged and at risk.

- I am reminded of the power in thinking out loud and how sharing helps you realise we're all in this together.

- We actually are experiencing similar yet different things.

- Find a community and preferably outside of the ones you're used too.  It adds to new experiences, new perspectives, and learnings

- When it comes to you, be safe out there and inside. Try to form habits which help you navigate through these changing times as happily & healthily as possible, even if you don't leave home. 

- Keep relying on yourself and not necessarily waiting for macro matters to change before you innovate or find new ways to survive, thrive.

- Share with others.

- I am grateful to a very smart and well seasoned person who expressed appreciation of my strategic and deliberate communication style. I'm glad you got what I am onto.


Signing off with a heart filled with gratitude.





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