Never forget to make Love.

 and by Love I mean Art. 


I try as little as possible to not forget the process of Life, expressed and viewed as your canvas to create.

Currently, I am feeling overwhelming inspired by Art expressed in various forms. (Just look at my bathwater paisley art image on my instagram account marica_quarsingh).


I also feel Art as a form expressed in the art of doing good business, the business of actual art and to which Love can to belong.. if you just think John Lennon - Yoko Ono & their 2 week bed in for Peace. There's also the art of keeping great relations which are mutually energising and especially the relationship with oneself.  Are you looking after your spiritual, mental, physical and emotional wellbeing? But in saying this, sometimes others need you and may mean you need to be the source of energy for them. And in keeping with selflessness, its good to maintain that the giver is the receiver. In this very moment I am reminded of how very hard it must be to lead a Nation. To hold the highest seat in any country. To be the President of a Nation. You will recall I watched Geniuses of the Ancient World which documented Buddha, Socrates and Confucius. And it was Confucius who particularly spoke of leadership and the reverence that should belong to idealistic governing. 

You know CNN always brings up things which need not belong here. Like Politics! That aside -

You ought to know that there's been moments in my life which could have seen me throw in more than just the towel. Grandiose disappointments which could have thrown in self-belief and simply see me quit. At times I had to deliberately take time out from disasters and detach entirely. Sometimes I had to keep at going at it in when in a business context. In the case of relations, I had to let go knowing I had no regrets and little more I could do.

See for me, Life in itself is Art. There is no road, only a path and with suggested guidelines. 

We arrive here with what?

And what do we leave here with? 

How do we leave?


Enjoy this day,



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