Pieces in the name of Peace, Equality and Liberation - an opened letter

By now you should know that I will defend anyone on the receiving end of discrimination. I will defend the marginalised, any race, faith and person of any economic background where support is clearly needed from a human rights perspective.

I can say that some part of me could have joined protests if it were peaceful and championed from a non-political side in objection to the not so subtle undertones pertaining to hair types and with a biased sense of hair normality. I am with the many who are upset about that advert which offends me and my friends, of many races, including the insinuated race affected by that advert. For God’s sake. How can any single person confess to understanding what is normal or abnormal about any aspect of bodily feature? The only instance “normality” can apply is to bodily function and by medical standard or practice. All else is perception, personal ideals, limitations etc. and as we saw with a hair advert, can be classified as utter rubbish. 

But in general, and when I look at many global events and not pertaining to race specific events etc. -

I do not get the big deal with many humans on the price to pay in ask for various things including equality and decency. In our ask for democracy and liberation from the chains of socio-political ills which only have broken nations, demonstrated through more sets of broken actions, doesn't make sense to me.

The global fights, literally, for power and all in the name of peace, equality and liberation is often at the expense of tearing the fabrics of a countries pillars of strength, its people tasked to lead and honestly creates more heated debate between citizens. More hate is the result of destructive actions as opposed to constructive dialogue which is very possible.

But for an economy which just re-opened and with expressed challenges for businesses, start-ups and establishments, I can't see how damage to property and closing down trade is a dignified way forward in a fight for human dignity. And don't get me wrong. If any entity was tasked to go out and damage to property was the result, I honestly would feel the same way.  I fully get the need to be upset and am also. But I can also say that maybe do what seems to be getting done.

Fire the people responsible for making such adverts, get the products out of store and out of SA, do everything possible etc. to not allow such hate to exist but please do so in a way symbolic of what we are as a Nation (i.e. remarkable and respectful through our challenges and with our differences)

And again I remind you that my hair is only kept decent and looking good with thanks to my uber talented, Zulu hairdresser and dear friend who I will do anything, constructively for, to protect from being discriminated against by anyone.

Committed to SA and to every beautiful person here.



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