A "no budget" mentality and co-creating with a smart-arse'less approach




As a firm committed to developing for a successful future and for a broader significance beyond business, our past and current activities always keep relevance, efficiency, sustainability and needs-based affordability top of mind with the solutions we develop, represent or consider onboarding. Being human centric we also believe that people are ultimately who we are serving and that the psyche of various demographics remains common regardless of variables. So the decisions and preferred ways to engage, taking a data -tech-people centric approach, makes many of our sector foresights accurate.

It's with a deep level of conviction we hold the position that collective consumerism and collective demand will necessitate a collective rethink on how to supply for those needs - in the most humane ways. Also, we don't shy away from the fact that people do not know what they missed till it's presented beautifully, easily, seamlessly. With this, Quality Innovation is the driver, which is understood to precede policy, demand and determines pricing and market shifts. Quality here being defined as what makes societal sense beyond words, we hear all the time like disruption etc. etc.

We see sectors evolving into new versions of what they probably never imagined being, and we see new sector participants totally redesigning practices. However, these all still built on former bases making the evolution of things not entirely new but rather a fresh rethink instead.

Just this week I was fortunate to hear of a great example for businesses self-reflection and why partners need to question everything. Of taking nothing for granted including favourable business position. The example was made of Longterm Capital Management LTCM, a hedge fund led by Nobel winning economists who failed. A cited reason being also because they thought they were too smart to be wrong. Too smart to question themselves and too smart to fail.

As many go into new business pitch phase, us at MaricaCo Pty Ltd, consumed with new business pitch process and new business developments - we are clear about a few things and to name some top of mind -

-  we will never stop questioning everything

- we will always keep the mentality of being an aspirant start-up even when we surpass that

- we will be unafraid, in general, and particularly of failing forward

- we will always rise to what is humanly possible and strive for exactly that.

 In closing, get in touch for business needs. Details on our website. Lean business models are clear about onboarding various businesses / expertise to co-create on common projects.

All the best with new business pitch season. Look forward to sharing a seat with you at our table or with you at yours.


Yours in creating one great world together,




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