The week ahead can never be about the week that was.


I am a firm believer of looking forward and in moving forward. 

When I do reflect its generally to learn or to make correction of what I did not see coming and won't want again.

Part of the training has been about years of following various schools of thought. Some briefly and some more consistently. I won’t cling to any one in isolation because knowledge is broad and ultimately the same, maybe just varied in expression. And the expression being the savouring.

The purpose of this piece is perhaps to highlight the tenacity needed to move forward post a bunch of things which has affected us all in 2020. “Moving Forward” has also become such an overused, misused and to me, a shallow use of words when simply left at that. Shallow because if the personal work is not done, the effort not applied, the actual intent left undefined to evolve a past, clearly moving forward into a future created -  is without gravitas.

Experiencing a Gestalt, that ah-ha moment, can generally only come with absolute clarity to be found in a process of renewal. And renewal comes from putting in the effort. Often it’s so easy for us to give that piece of advice of moving forward to, for example, a friend going through a divorce or to an entrepreneur having to recover from a failure. But the “How To” is more important than some transient endeavour to.

Applied logic tells me that one “moves forward” with an understanding of what is holding them back to begin with. This can be achieved through a short process of reflection. The longer part to be spent in reflecting on what it is you want to be, to achieve or how you envisage your future. You don't want to get too stuck there because the process can only come into a state of fulfilled realisation when you align the actions and habits needed to take you forward. This is the hard part. To move forward into the next and better version of you, your life and your various expressions like business, your chosen arts etc. takes daily consistent effort. Like a trained muscle from daily exercise.

The point I am making is - move forward from a hard year but do understand how to. We are wired as the sum of experiences and beliefs and to move past those requires working at. Especially the shock of a pandemic which saw the globe temporarily closed. Consistent working is a pre-requisite and is more than a once off moment of inspiration with accompanied action. Day in and out have the tenacity to realise the version you'd value of yourself, your business, your Life - and then work at it.

Make room also to surrender to what is in your control and where control exists beyond any human effort.


Have a great new week



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