Heartfelt Affliction - A poem for women who are abused in one way or in all forms

She cried for help. She screamed but was hushed in by the estate's security. 

The neighbours needed her to be abused inside the mansion instead of disturbing a "rich" mans leafy suburb. 

A suburb where dogs are treated better than humans and some human's feel kicked and abused like strays.

So what is rich?

She managed to escape hours of torture to safety where many could have smirked at her but hadn't and her driver wasn't that but instead her friend. Where doctors thanked them for their support and she thank doctors for saving her.

The violence was long before his actual. He corroded her mentally and emotionally. Her. A wall which behind her eyes like mystic pools wailed. 

How do you wrong someone flawed but wanting right? Raised voices, expectations, hands and hopes. How do you women raise your son. To raise voices, demands and their hands to their women?

Afflicted and heartfelt she stood the wall of living embrace.


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