Treating people medically, Medical Professionals and staying Humane with overburden Systems

I am not someone who ever wants to see myself in a hospital unless God forbid, there's an emergency.  A belief I think most of us share. For me the idea alone of being confined to a space where people are unwell makes me sick. 

So having to spend time in a bed knowing so many people are ill is more distressing. But how does one perfect the balance needed to be medically treated and to be out of a space that leaves little room for inspiration. And what about the people tasked to daily help others recover?

Virtually answers a lot and medicine is seeing much in the space of online consultation and developments in AI led medical treatments, which is said to have a greater percentage of accuracy. However taking away the human element found in doctors and which we all need when we are vulnerable doesn't make any robot better without a human, humane medical representative.

Private medical treatment facilities gives patients the liberty to ask for what they need and when. Delays in seeing to requests gives patients the luxury to be irate. But what about public facilities, over burdened ones and where people are so ill that they cannot raise an arm/voice or opinion to have assistance on. Not deliberate or maybe in some cases the result of very challenged staff. Not to say that personally I have not witnessed caregivers who felt a bit "superior to circumstances" of patients and families representing them.

For a country to acknowledge burdens, perhaps Covid related and our overwhelmed medical professionals and healthcare systems is the greatest act of Respect and Being Humane. 


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