The Quiet Billionaire

Words come to me fairly easily. 

Heading Content with a JV business partner for his own digital design & tech firms, through a B2B relationship, gives me energy.

Energy because I get to do what I love. To think both promptly and contemplatively, using words to best achieve clients brand objectives. My business partner himself has an entrepreneurial aggressiveness which has always made our business activities complementary. We share an eagerness to achieve.

But back to words. 

Some may recall about three year's ago I endeavored writing a book. The framework, story and chapters were all clear. Well into it, perched in a lofty hotel where I daily would head to write, I realised that writing a book is a soul bearing activity for me. Especially when it has very little to do with me. 

Once you ink each word there's no real opportunity to turn back. Life and that self imposed limitation led me to pause, wait and then to abandon the book. Themed around the idea of personal genius and everyday peoples abilities to navigate their internal compass towards "genius" will maybe feature, partly, in A Quiet Billionaire.  

Seasoned more for writing a speculative fictional book, I am excited about The Quiet Billionaire which I anticipate releasing by the 2nd September. I am going through all the suggested steps and processes for writing a book - again! The full story plot is yet to be considered and a big part of me knows it will evolve as I think and ink. Like Iron Man which was inspired by Elon, two known (neither in the picture) but very private billionaires are the inspiration behind this story. I've just decided to give them a bit of my own dimensions. 

On the subject of books, I encourage you to join a reading circle. Check out

Enjoy the weekend.



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