A no title piece.

Yesterday I decided to cover a few things over the world's leading media platform and first in breaking news. Over Twitter. 

This is whether we like to accept it or not, or being personally challenged by reasons beyond the immediate logic. Twitter is a new media owner and best described as above.  Even a mild critical thinker would see this with or without the blue tick. With or without issues on Elon. Political issues aside. 

A few things led me to share the theme as you will find on my handle/twitter feed. 

I felt I have done alot of self work and from young. Some of it by choice and some of it by chance. But all in all, its formative impact has been lasting. It helps that I also met very interesting people or as I like to also see it, I met very interesting lessons disguised in people. I love life more than anything, regardless, and don't see this changing for a long while. 

Some of those early life tools helps me navigate challenges till today. Awareness and mindfulness are now seemingly deserving its place of significance. Thankfully, while ancient principles are re-dressed in modern approaches, the essence of wellbeing advocated remains to the subscribers discernment. Is it fad or fact? The question resides in the critical thinking abilities of the finder. Are you willing to simply accept or reject matters? Will you be biased or even self projecting?

While I am aware of where the rooms for my self improvement mansion resides, I am also aware of who I am at most given junctures or life pauses. And if I truly forget, situations reminds me. I can go as far as saying that I can even go back to photos of a 5 year old me, and see who I was then, in just how I stood alongside others. 

So life, my experiences and much else in-between - can only really refine my beliefs. It will never own me nor any part of society. But fairness should be the yardstick to every human-being. Even if Elon needs reminding then you, me and us should be doing this. Not so? 

This is a short piece and more for its creative expression. 

I'll close with -

“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force, never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” - Churchill

And while I won't, don't expect me to fit anyone's mould either.

Have a great Sunday.



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