The Circle and Cycle of Life.


Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela!

Earlier this year I had to observe at lunch the disposition of an Indian male towards other males at the table that was off. Simply because of their race. I corrected him after. I also know I would exit Indians or add anyone to any matrix, almost deliberately,  that makes sense to being human, humane to a sound human condition. 

Try own me, you'll first lose me and I don't care who you are or what you have. So is that my own Mandela stance?

Mandela and me met only once and about 20years ago. Currently I noted a Mandela competition based  who's the next's to fill his large shoes in the future. I believe daily everyone can have a Mandela presence. And this is not BBEEE or WMC or excluding the global 1% 'ers.

If I may, can we get a HEEE perhaps? H being for Human because the world is very complex as Yuval rightly outlines but it is what we know for now. Personally my life was simpler unknowing much but it leads to re-realise even more...perhaps like you Nelson Mandela on Robben Island. And like you FW de Klerk. Were you being HEE perhaps?

Here's to you Nelson Mandela. Chosen. A few billion of us left to keep at advancing humanity with or without AI but governed by conscious choice and limited ignorant bliss.

Happy Birthday!



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