
So I'm pretty certain that all the truths about the brain and mind - it's workings, biology, psychology, psychiatry and any other facet I may have missed - is undeniably true! I relate to EQ, IQ and LQ- the latter being a recent public verb from Alibaba's Jack Mau. I recently picked up on a chirp on DQ which presumably pertains to Digital...then there's SQ ( "S" can be for anything you want...I will keep it strictly to Social!). This being said, I am of the opinion that any mind, with grooming and fertility to want to learn, can and will acquire what's needed to achieve. A human spirit "open" is a spirit that can never be shut off or down..or not for too long anyway! We are pretty much anything we choose to be. Ofcourse exposure, opportunity, wisdom, insights from enough f-up's, people taking a "chance" on you, support and all else plays a major role in how far you can go...or rather how fast. Ultimately, you walk that pa...